Approved Youth Training Centre

UKDA Team   Dec 07, 2021

The UK Diving Academy has been accredited as an Approved Youth Training Centre by PADI

We acknowledge the duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children while undertaking scuba diver training for young people. The Uk Diving Academy is committed to ensuring safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and complies with best practice. The safety and welfare of all children, whatever their age, culture, ability or disability, gender, language, racial origin, or religion, is paramount. Diving can contribute positively to the development of individuals, physically, personally, socially and emotionally. Our policy recognises that all children should be able to enjoy their diving activities in a safe environment and be protected from harm.

PADI professionals are in positions of considerable influence, especially when teaching and supervising children and therefore have a profound responsibility to demonstrate and set high moral and ethical standards, and to ensure that the diving activities are positive and enjoyable experiences for the children involved.

UK Diving Academy has identified some staff who will work with Children and Young People. We have put procedures in place for all staff to follow to ensure the well-being  and safety of youngsters while undergoing training or taking part in dive activities with us. UK Diving Academy strives to raise awareness of the wider issues including recognising the signs and symptoms of abuse, and how to deal with issues arising from them.  Remember: scuba diver training for young people in a safe environment is good for instilling self-discipline and raising young people’s self-esteem.

Staff working with children have clearance from the Disclosure and Barring Service.
